Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Will Sacrifice of Some White People Satisfy The Blood Lust of Black Rioters?


By Verne Strickland / July 23, 2013

We can all see which way this is headed, can't we?

The rhetoric from black "demonstrators" gets ever more heated and shrill day by day. Every taunt -- no matter what the actual words may be -- translates to "get whitey". 

Cars are torched, innocent white citizens are terrorized and beaten, businesses are burned, and the angry chorus of revenge grows to a fever pitch.

Blacks are seeking revenge. Sooner or later, the tribal drumbeat will get too seductive to be ignored, and rampaging blacks will step over the line. The misdirected anger will find a vulnerable target -- or even several white sacrificial "lambs" -- and blood will flow. Then blood will beget blood. 

To say that "the torch will be passed" would be to abuse the intent of the famous JFK speech of the chaotic days of the 1960s, when great cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, Cleveland, Newark and others suffered massive damage at the hand of black rioters. 

Some may be justified in saying that all of these out-of-control American population centers are not "great" anymore. But they were. They have been ruined by all the ills of liberal society -- absence of God in everyday life, the seduction of welfare and giveaway programs, moral depravity, loss of human initiative, "families" without fathers or even mothers, rampant drug problems, and unemployment of people who don't wish to work anyway.

But the point may be made that arson, looting, and mass murder and general lawlessness have been sparked by black racial mobs, often driven into a frenzy by so-called black "leaders", aided and abetted by irresponsible liberal media which fan the flames of discontent. 

It almost seems inevitable now. How many times have we seen this before? Trying to tally up the scorecard will do no good. There have been too many instances where mob rule has taken over, blacks have taken to the streets, and murder by marauding masses has been committed.

And, through it all, it seems that we have learned nothing. Justice? Is that what we want? Justice in the Trayvon Martin death has been achieved. Like it or not, this is America, and, while there are at least two sides to every story, this case has been settled by a hard-working, well-intentioned jury of peers drawn together in a Florida courtroom. 

Case closed? Well, many of us had hoped so. But it was not to be. Each day, the flames of racial unrest spread like forest fires -- encouraged by the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and other professional haters. It is a sad sight to see.

But -- when the precise tinder-box situation emerges -- the "sacrifice" we mentioned earlier will take the lives of some white citizens caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Then the devil will have his due.

Indeed, it has already happened, although the senseless killings in black-on-white violence seem to be not directly related to the Florida tinder box -- the white girl raped by black predators and thrown from a rooftop, the beautiful white child shot in the face by black gunmen as the mother watched -- what else? How many other brutal slayings must we catalog to bring this into perspective?

But I think the mob has yet to be satisfied, and we will not see the racial frenzy assuaged until the "honor killings" have been properly initiated.

Even President Obama, by his inaction, has left the door open to violence which might "settle the score". He should be ashamed.

How did it all come to this? When will it end? Another long, hot summer -- reminiscent of many that we've experienced before -- seems to loom before us.

I ran across this news story today as I tried to get a handle on the crescendo of events. It was published this week in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, and refers to the riots that decimated the Twin Cities in July of 1967. And it is not encouraging by any means:


Thirty years ago this weekend, Minneapolis woke to the realization that it had not escaped the racial fury that was overtaking U.S. cities in the mid-1960s, that it, too, had suffered the firebombs, looting and shooting and the frightful sight of riot police marching shoulder-to-shoulder as storefronts went up in flames.

The Plymouth Avenue disturbances of July 19-21, 1967, were a small footnote to the full-scale riots that enveloped the Watts section of Los Angeles and the vast black neighborhoods of Detroit and Newark, N.J., during those incendiary days. 

God help us all.





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