March 11, 2012
By Verne Strickland:
My passion is hunting liberal Democrats, in season. And 'tis the season which I perceive coming up just around yonder bend. I've been ready for it for a long time, and am slowly getting into game mode.
Liberals are destructive to American ideals, while conservatives introduce a more open, honest record of service, unselfishness and sacrifice to the halls of the State House, the U.S. Congress, the Senate.
I know where I belong. I know what I believe. I know who I am. So I've been carrying my sword and shield for years in this battle for the soul of America. And I've re-enlisted for another tour -- as a conservative, Christian, Republican Constitutionalist in the Year of our Lord 2012. But here's the deal. I'd much rather stay with the political game. I know it. I've fought it for a lone time -- back into 1960s alongside implacable conservative Jesse Helms, who hired me to help him write conservative editorials and voice the farm news on WRAL-TV5.
Verne Strickland / /Conservative Blogger
But something's different in the Spring of 2012. Before I really take to the battlefield to back Ilario Pantano again in the big General Election for the Seventh District Congressional prize, I have to make it through a primary too, just like my hero Ilario Pantano. He's facing Democrat David Rouzer, who quit the NC Senate to go after bigger game in the U.S. Senate. If Ilario sweeps the preliminary, he'll go on to the General Election for the Seventh District in November.
My battle is against cancer, which blindsided me with painful attacks to my hips and legs in Januauary of this year, forcing me to struggle while getting out of bed or walking with the aid of canes, plus relying on some powerful pain relief to facilitate fairly normal activity.
Because of the added exertion required, I tire quickly and my mileage is not very impressive. Beyond that that I often use a wheel chair, with the help my wife Durrene or our eldest son Martin I've never felt self-conscious about these aids. It's just a fact that my life would be so much more restricted if they weren't available. I till intend to discard them as soon as Dr. McNulty gives me the green light.
William McNulty, M.D.
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The form of cancer I am experiencing is multiple myeloma, and I was channeled without delay to Dr. Williams McNulty, board certified in internal medicine and oncology at Hanover Medical Specialists in Wilmington, NC, where daily radiation treatment has been started, and should continue for perhaps ten days until he will take a break to assess progress.
Dr. McNulte is just the medicine I need for this challenge. He's positive, cheerful, incessantly cracking jokes to lighten the mood, and keeping up a running patter of information to fill me in on what his plan is for our treatment. It's an upbeat mood in the McNulte corner for this brawl, and I am charged up to go at it.
While Internet Medicine websites try to cover all ranges and severities of multiple myeoloma, Dr. McNulty is is my personal guide through this experience, and assures that my case is "readily treatable" -- unlike some of the more foreboding descriptions to which I've been treated on the Web.
Bottom line for me and my family is to steer a straight course back to health -- if possible -- with the Lord Jesus as my strength and my guide. He is always with me and with us all when he give Him our trust -- and keep His loving hand on the wheel of our life's vessel. Nothing could be more consoling.
I'll have to win it or I won't have the stamina to do the job I need to give Ilario a boost in the battle of words, wills, media and philosophy in Washington.
I've covered the Pantano campaign since the starting gun in the 2010 election, when his political paths intersected with excessively incumbent Democrat Mike McIntyre (who started 2012 by dodging one campaign -- for governor -- before settling back into more a more familiar setting as water boy for the Democrats in the Seventh District. As I don't consider Rouzer a contender of note, this leaves me contented with my first and only choice here -- our adopted Son of the South, friendly family man and Wilmington resident Pantano. I couldn't be happier.Meanwhile, it's another world out there in the hospital waiting rooms, corridors, and treatment systems, as we all know, because all of us, to one degree or another will make our own trips through there. We can be thankful for the wonderful care and treatment we receive in our health and recovery facilities -- made and operated in the USA. And we must realize that any problems there pale in comparison with the level of care in many other countries, where government-run systems sag lower and lower as the years and months and intertwined lives go by.
Obamacare, friends, or anything like it, is not the way we want to go in America. Ilario is determined to help us what that one! God bless this wonderful Christian man, and his precious family!
And I'm 75 today. I can bench press my age, although the long-range odds are not in my favor here.
I'll tack some more ramblings onto this meandering treatise as time goes by. In the meantime, be well, be American through and through, and praise God forever and ever. Your pal and fan, Verne.