Verne Strickland / USA DOT COM Blogmaster
April 25, 2012

Early voting has begun, and this race will be settled in days.
We can tell by the polls and the early voting turnout that we are going
to win, but…COMPLACENCY KILLS. That is a hard lesson that I learned in
While we have the lead, let us not forget my opponent, Senator Rouzer,
has relied on desperate measures in the past. Rouzer attacked his last
Republican competitor so viciously in his last primary that she sued him
for slander. (see the details of the suit at the bottom of this email)
COULD IT HAPPEN AGAIN? We will stay on guard and I ask you to forward
any kind of last ditch attacks so we can respond rapidly.
That is why I am not taking any chances. I am asking you for help one LAST TIME.
We know that folks will do anything to win, and since my opponent Sen.
Rouzer was sued for slander in his last primary, we are not taking any
chances. That wasn’t a Democrat Union boss that sued him for going over
the top…it was a Republican woman!
Well this time my opponent has someone his own size to pick on, and I am relying on you, my 11,000 supporters to help us finish strong in these final days!
If you can dig deep this one last time, we will deliver you a victory you can be proud of for principles that you believe in. Your gift of $20, $50 or $75 dollars will go a long way in ensuring a true conservative victory.
I would not be asking this last time if I did not sense something BIG was coming, so I am calling on you for help one last time.
I remain Semper Fidelis,
Ilario Pantano
PS, Did you know I am the only candidate in this race that is serious about Term Limits or about balancing the Federal budget?
See for yourself that I am the only Supporter of Sen. Jim Demint’s CUT, CAP & BALANCE plan:

Details of the Suit for Slander filed against Senator David Rouzer and his campaign strategist:
On May 1st 2008, Mr. David Rouzer and his campaign strategist Bob Rosser were served a civil summons by Rouzer’s NC State Senate primary opponent according to court documents filed in Wake County Superior Court (Google the Raleigh News & Observer and see for yourself).
On the 19th of May, 2008 Ms. Nena Reeves, Rouzer’s primary opponent, filed a formal complaint seeking damages of at least $10,000 and alleging the following:
“6. Plaintiff Nena Reeves and Defendant David Rouzer, in April 2008, were opposing candidates for nomination as the Republican candidate for election to the NC State Senate for Senate District 12.
7. In late April, 2008, to win the primary election, the Defendants (Rouzer & Rosser) conspired to issue written statements to thousands of people making accusations about the plaintiff that are false and defamatory…
23. The false words and statements knowingly published by Defendants have defamed and libeled the plaintiff in her profession, standing in the community and means of livelihood…
27. The actions of Defendants as hereinbefore alleged were done in the
course of and scope of commercial activity in the State of North
Carolina. Defendants’ actions were made in bad faith, were unethical,
were unfair to Plaintiff, were deceptive to the public and were intended
to harm Plaintiff in her personal and professional activities…”