By Verne Strickland Nov. 11, 2014
The bitterness and rancor that typified the U.S. Senate and NC District Seven Congressional races seemed to know no bounds. Now that the election is thankfully over, the bad feelings should have been laid to rest. This is not conservative ideology at work -- Tea Party vs. Traditional GOP -- it is deep personal animus bordering on hate. Too bad.
I feel compelled to pass along a statement I find particularly unfortunate, vile and shameful. It was written to me by a Tea Party supporter who, like a number of others, had gotten carried away by the thrill of the battle, and the thirst for partisan blood.
- Tea Party Girl (TPG) She will go unnamed for obvious reasons
"I'll be holding my nose to vote for Tillis & Rouzer who are both incredibly shitty candidates, and beyond that nothing. I can't vouch for them, I won't attach my name and my integrity to them, they haven't earned it and they don't deserve it. For almost anything we can say about Hagan, Tillis has done something just as corrupt and destructive. Best I can do is not criticize Tillis directly. We can thank the lying, divisive & destructive Harris camp to thank for giving us another lesser-of-two-evils choice this election, just when we need to be all-in. It's really sickening, but that's where we are. We need fighters and we have the same old spineless politicians."
Verne Strickland
I just saw this, TPG. Hate to know that you actually wrote it, and I vehemently deny the hateful comments you wrote about Thom and David. Your insulting statement -- "I'll be holding my nose to vote for Tillis and Rouzer, who are both incredible shitty candidates" -- sounds like habitual barnyard prattle. Then you follow this is up by saying, "Best I can do is not criticize Tillis directly." It's clear enough that you have already criticized Tillis directly -- complete with potty-mouth barnyard profanity.Tuesday, February 4, 2014 Verne Strickland usadotcom
U.S. Senate candidate Greg Brannon faces fraud allegations in civil lawsuit
How could this be? How could this possibly be? Yet here it is -- a missile through the side of a U.S. Senate candidate in the race to succeed Senator Kay Hagan.
You must see for yourself. This is not a take-down for candidate Dr. Greg Brannon. It is a positive statement -- a vote for NC House Speaker Thom Tillis. Read it for yourself. Judge for yourself.
This is spring plowing, and planting time for a new crop of contenders. This is a warning shot across the bow of the U.S.S. Greg Brannon. There will doubtless be return fire from the guns of the Brannon on her maiden voyage in search of the prize.
And there will be thunderous salvos from the proud U.S.S. Thom Tillis. This one is for all the marbles. May the better man win. This skirmish even before the onset of the full battle will make some grown men cry and others ravenous for blood.
But there is blood flowing already -- from the negative positioning mounted by Brannon. And the withering fire from the media, setting the record straight as Dr. Brannon's past, and his tactics, return to haunt him even at this early stage of the game.
This will be a fight for the soul of the Republican Party of North Carolina -- with implications for the national stage in 2014
Don't leave your seats. This is going to be good.
Republican Senate Candidate’s Positions, Posts Plagiarized From Several Sources
A Facebook post of Dr. Greg Brannon’s seems to be a near-direct copy of an article by a Cato Institute scholar. posted on April 16, 2014, at 7:13 p.m.Brannon (left) with Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah. Via Facebook: DrGregBrannonDr. Greg Brannon, a Republican who is vying for the party’s Senate nomination in North Carolina appears to have plagiarized several of his campaign “on the issues” pages from Republican Michigan Rep. Justin Amash. A Facebook post of Brannon’s also seems to be a near-direct copy of an article by a Cato Institute scholar. Another issues post appears to be copied from the Coalition for Jobs.Brannon, a former Tea Party activist, has a history of making controversial statements. Brannon called U.S. property taxes “American central planning,” and referenced the Holocaust and Soviet Union as other examples of central planning. He also once alleged that the United Nations is a scam to control life and ran a now-defunct organization called “Founder’s Truth” that posted conspiracy theories like claims that there is fluoridate in the water and that the Boston bombing was a false flag.
His website then mysteriously disappeared from the Web Archive.
Verne Strickland: I was called "vicious" and other names by some particularly raucous Tea Party faithful like TPG. I took it in stride. We should see here that Dr. Brannon was no angel, and got some harsh press because of the way he conducted his personal affairs.
This was a hard-fought political campaign -- one of many I have participated in -- each time on the side of honest Christian conservative GOP candidates.
In this one, I found Dr. Brannon to be naive in the extreme, and easy to pin down with descriptions of his tactics. Instead of being a tough tiger, he came across as a docile puppy who had brought no plausible offense, and no discernible defense. His protectors, meanwhile, seemed to coddle him because he seemed gentle and innocent.
Some loved him here. Many didn't. I daresay no one would have loved him in Washington.