Friday, July 20, 2012

Mass slayings in Aurora, Colorado: What do grief counselors tell those who mourn?

Verne Strickland / Blogmaster July 20, 2012

Grief_counseling : Depressed teen girl gets counseling and comfort from a caring therapist. 



Many college students have already experienced a death of someone close to them before they come to college. Some experience a death during their college years. If a death occurs during the college years, it can be a more difficult time because the student may be living far away from others who are experiencing the same loss and may not know other students well enough to get the support that they may want. The following information about grief may be helpful to a student experiencing a death.
Grief is a Normal and Natural Process
Grief is a normal and natural response to a death. Each person grieves in their own way. Most people are resilient and are able to cope well after a death.
Common Reactions When a Death Occurs
There are some reactions which are common following a death. These reactions can be felt in varying degrees of intensity. People are sometimes surprised by how intense – or how mild – these reactions can be. The following are some examples of possible reactions. (Some people experience few if any reactions following a death.)
Emotional: longing for the deceased, sadness, anxiety, anger, irritability, moodiness, guilt feelings, fear, helplessness, relief, emotional numbness, lack of ability to feel pleasure, diminished self-esteem
Social: difficulty in relationships, fear of groups or crowds, loss of interest in social activities, withdrawal from relationships
Cognitive: shock, forgetfulness, worry, confusion, preoccupation with the loss of the loved one, concentration problems, memory difficulties, loss of creativity, sexual disinterest, vivid dreams
Physical and Behavioral: tearfulness, lack of motivation, accident proneness, tightness in the chest and throat, fatigue, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, difficulty taking deep breaths, sleep disturbances, restlessness, loss of appetite, increase in appetite, nausea, cramps, diarrhea, indigestion, inability to sleep, sleeping too much, muscle tightness, sexual difficulty, headaches, diminished productivity
When to Consider Seeking Counseling
 As stated previously, most people are resilient and are able to independently adjust well after a death. For those who struggle with debilitating symptoms of a serious or long-term nature, counseling can sometimes be of help. The following are examples of when to seek counseling: suicidal thoughts; obsessive preoccupation with death; prolonged and marked impairment of day-to-day functioning; intense preoccupation with feeling worthless; and extreme avoidance of thinking about the death through abusing alcohol, abusing drugs, and/or engaging in risk-taking behavior.
Possible Helpful Thoughts
·         Realize that there is no “right” way to grieve.
·         Be patient and kind to yourself. Maybe set smaller goals and accept some reduction in your efficiency, consistency, and energy. 
·         Many people find that staying in the routines of their daily life (within reason) can be helpful.
·         It is often suggested that it is usually best not to make major or sudden decisions for at least a year after a death.
·         Remember the basics. Maintain good nutrition and healthy sleep habits. Exercise regularly and in moderation. Do not abuse alcohol or drugs.
·         Some people choose to talk to others about their grief (such as a friend, spouse, relative, or spiritual leader) and find this support to be of help to them. There are grief networks in many communities for those people that want more support.
·         Some people choose to work through their grief on their own and find the solitude to be a helpful antidote for them.
Important to Note
Grieving will not change the fact that a death occurred nor will it erase the memories of the person who died. The bereaved person can go on to live a full life, however. Some bereaved people even report that reflecting upon the impermanence of life after experiencing a death has caused them to live more thoughtful and meaningful lives.

McIntyre votes for "Farm Bill" -- 80% of which actually goes for food stamps!

Verne Strickland Blogmaster / Friday, July 20, 2012

Posted by Daniel Horowitz (Diary)
Dear Speaker Boehner,
During every election cycle, virtually every Republican candidate affirms his or her support for limited government, free markets, and balanced budgets.  They all tout their conservative credentials on the flashy flag-waving issues of the day in an effort to ingratiate themselves with Republican primary voters.  However, it is the “inside baseball” issues such as the farm bill that expose many of them as frauds.
Put simply, the farm bill is an anathema to free enterprise, limited government, and individual responsibility.  The House version (H.R. 6083) authorizes $957 billion in spending over 10 years, 80% of which will go towards food stamps.  Despite erroneous claims in the media regarding severe cuts to food stamps, this bill actually consummates the Obama-era baseline into our entitlement empire forever.
Furthermore, this bill adds an additional 3 crop insurance and price support programs that distort the market, encourage risky behavior, protect parochial interests, and are tendentious towards large farms.  This bill also continues the egregious coddling of rich sugar farmers and the dairy supply regulations that you so aptly referred to as “Soviet style.”

Unfortunately, a bipartisan group of 38 Republicans and 24 Democrats, led by Reps. Kristi Noem (R-SD) and Peter Welch (D-VT), have sent you a letter requesting floor consideration for this big-government, budget-busting monstrosity.  If Republicans allow this bill to pass the House and become law under Republican-control of Congress, they will essentially be abrogating all their campaign promises to limit government, terminate special interest politics, decrease dependency and welfare, and balance the budget.  In one fell swoop, they will blur the distinction between the two parties to the extent that they are virtually indistinguishable.

This is not the message we need to telegraph to loyal Republican voters ahead of a crucial election.  Moreover, if we are going to continue the bond between urban and rural special interests, we will never wean dependency from the broad populace – even among those in conservative states.  If we are going to continue imposing Soviet-style intervention in red states, and elect representatives from those localities who support such odious policies, where are we going to implement free market policies and elect conservatives?  From blue America?

Let’s win this election decisively by standing on the bold free market, limited government principles that buoyed the Republican majority into power in 2010.  Then, after assuming control of all branches of government, we can pursue new policies from a position of strength.

Let’s begin by decoupling food stamp spending from agriculture programs so we can break the indissoluble bond between multiple special interest groups.  We understand that food stamps and agriculture programs will not disappear overnight, but we must recognize their deleterious effects on our economy, free markets, and self respect.  And it must be our ultimate goal to phase out and wind down these programs in an effort to restore our Constitutional Republic to the entity that it was when originally conceived.
Please reject all calls to bring this bill to the floor during this Congress.  Now is the time for us to stand on principle.

***Here are the members who took a leadership role in pushing the Speaker to radically expand the size of government:***
Kristi Noem (R-S.D.), Peter Welch (D-Vt.), Robert Schilling (R-Ill.), Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas), Bill Owens (D-N.Y.), Rick Crawford (R-Ark.), Leonard Boswell (D-Iowa), Jean Schmidt (R-Ohio), Tim Walz (D-Minn.), Austin Scott (R-Ga.), Renee Ellmers (R-N.C.), Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.), Tim Johnson (R-Ill.), Steve King (R-Iowa), Bob Gibbs (R-Ohio), Kurt Schrader (D-Ore.), David Loebsack (D-Iowa), Dennis Cardoza (D-Calif.), Jim Costa (D-Calif.), Rick Berg (R-N.D.), Larry Kissell (D-N.C.), Jo Ann Emerson (R-Mo.), Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), Brett Guthrie (R-Ky.), Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.), Gregorio Sablan (D-MP), Mike Simpson (R-Idaho), Glenn Thompson (R-Pa.), Chris Gibson (R-N.Y.), Steve LaTourette (R-Ohio), Sam Graves (R-Ga.), Bruce Braley (D-Iowa), Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-Mo.), Jeff Landry (R-La.), Thomas Rooney (R-Fla.), Martha Roby (R-Ala.), Denny Rehberg (R-Mont.), Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), Tim Holden (D-Pa.), Kathy Hochul (D-N.Y.), John Garamendi (D-Calif.), Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), Lynn Jenkins (R-Kan.), Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), Paul Tonko (D-N.Y.), Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.), Doc Hastings (R-Wash.), Tom Latham (R-Iowa), Chellie Pingree (D-Maine), Sanford Bishop Jr. (D-Ga.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Dan Benishek (R-Mich.), Billy Long (R-Mo.), Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.), Joe Courtney (D-Conn.), Mike McIntyre (D-N.C.), Aaron Schock (R-Ill.), Scott DesJarlais (R-Tenn.), Charles Boustany Jr. (R-La), Dan Lungren (R-Calif.), Candice Miller (RMich).

Thursday, July 19, 2012

McIntyre fleeces taxpayers for his Big Labor buddies.

Last night, the House voted on some key amendments to the annual defense appropriations bill.  Naturally, as the most vital expenditure of the federal budget, defense appropriations don’t provide us with too many opportunities to cut significant amounts of spending.  However, McIntyre was presented with the chance to save taxpayers billions without eliminating a single defense program.  He voted no.

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) offered an amendment (roll call #486) that would have barred the use of funds in the bill to enforce Davis Bacon Act prevailing wage requirements.  This law discriminates against non-union firms and costs taxpayers 22% more for each project.  This bill contained tens of billions in military contracts, so that is a lot of money for McIntyre’s union buddies.

McIntyre has received over $25,000 from the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), the largest public-sector union in the country.  Just this election cycle, McIntyre received $74,500 from several public-sector unions.

There are a lot of reports in the media highlighting McIntyre’s successful campaign fundraising this year.  Now you know that his campaign finance successes come at the expense of the taxpayer.

Verne Strickland Blogmaster USA DOT COM July 19, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Boy Scouts of America Reaffirm Gay Ban.

The Scouting program meant a lot to me. I achieved the rank of Eagle Scout and won the God and Country Award. I cannot imagine BSA not sticking to their guns on this. Verne Strickland

Boy Scouts
DAVID CRARY   07/17/12 07:45 PM ET  AP
NEW YORK — After a confidential two-year review, the Boy Scouts of America on Tuesday emphatically reaffirmed its policy of excluding gays, angering critics who hoped that relentless protest campaigns might lead to change.
The Scouts cited support from parents as a key reason for keeping the policy and expressed hope that the prolonged debate over it might now subside. Bitter reactions from gay-rights activists suggested that result was unlikely.
The Scouts' national spokesman, Deron Smith, told The Associated Press that an 11-member special committee, formed discreetly by top Scout leaders in 2010, came to the conclusion that the exclusion policy "is absolutely the best policy" for the 102-year-old organization.
Smith said the committee, comprised of professional scout executives and adult volunteers, was unanimous in its conclusion – preserving a long-standing policy that was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2000 and has remained controversial ever since.
As a result of the committee's decision, the Scouts' national executive board will take no further action on a resolution submitted at its recent national conference asking for reconsideration of the membership policy.
The Scouts' chief executive, Bob Mazzuca, contended that most Scout families support the policy, which applies to both adult leaders and Scouts.
"The vast majority of the parents of youth we serve value their right to address issues of same-sex orientation within their family, with spiritual advisers and at the appropriate time and in the right setting," Mazzuca said. "We fully understand that no single policy will accommodate the many diverse views among our membership or society."
The president of the largest U.S. gay-rights group, Chad Griffin of the Human Rights Campaign, depicted the Scouts' decision as "a missed opportunity of colossal proportions."
"With the country moving toward inclusion, the leaders of the Boy Scouts of America have instead sent a message to young people that only some of them are valued," he said. "They've chosen to teach division and intolerance."
Darlene Nipper, deputy executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, said the Scouts "have turned their backs on a chance to demonstrate fairness, exercise sound judgment, and serve as a role model for valuing others."
The Scouts did not identify the members of the special committee that studied the issue, but said in a statement that they represented "a diversity of perspectives and opinions."
"The review included forthright and candid conversation and extensive research and evaluations – both from within Scouting and from outside of the organization," the statement said.
The announcement suggests that hurdles may be high for a couple of members of the national executive board – Ernst & Young CEO James Turley and AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson – who have recently indicated they would try to work from within to change the membership policy. Both of their companies have been commended by gay-rights groups for gay-friendly employment policies.
Stephenson is on track to become president of the Scouts' national board in 2014, and will likely face continued pressure from gay-rights groups to try to end the exclusion policy. Asked for comment on Tuesday about the Scouts' decision to keep the policy, AT&T did not refer to Stephenson's situation specifically.
"We don't agree with every policy of every organization we support, nor would we expect them to agree with us on everything," the company said. "Our belief is that change at any organization must come from within to be successful and sustainable."
A statement from the executive committee of the Scouts' national executive board alluded to the Turley-Stephenson developments.
"Scouting believes that good people can personally disagree on this topic and still work together to achieve the life-changing benefits to youth through Scouting," the statement said. "While not all board members may personally agree with this policy, and may choose a different direction for their own organizations, BSA leadership agrees this is the best policy for the organization."
Since 2000, the Boy Scouts have been targeted with numerous protest campaigns and run afoul of some local nondiscrimination laws because of the membership policy.
One ongoing protest campaign involves Jennifer Tyrrell, the Ohio mother of a 7-year-old Cub Scout who was ousted as a den mother because she is lesbian., an online forum supporting activist causes, says more than 300,000 people have signed its petition urging the Scouts to reinstate Tyrrell and abandon the exclusion policy. The petition is to be delivered to the Scouts' national headquarters in Irving, Texas, on Wednesday.
Eagle Scout Zach Wahls, an Iowa college student who was raised by lesbian mothers, said Tuesday's announcement didn't change his view that eventually the Scouts would relent under pressure from campaigns such as those that he and his allies have mounted.
"I'm sure they'll keep saying this until the day they decide to change the policy," said Wahls.
He contended that the committee review process should not have been kept secret. "The very first value of the Scout Law is that a Scout is trustworthy," Wahls said. "There is absolutely nothing trustworthy about unelected and unnamed committee members who are unwilling to take responsibility for their actions."
The Boy Scouts' policy stands in contrast to inclusive membership policies adopted by several other major youth organizations, including the Girl Scouts of the USA and Camp Fire.
Boy Scouts statement:
David Crary can be followed on Twitter at

Monday, July 16, 2012

Lebensborn -- Nazi Aryan Master Race. A quick, disturbing study.

By Verne Strickland  July 16, 2012

A CHANGE OF PACE WITH THIS SUBJECT. It will not be news that will cheer up readers. In fact, it is depressing and sick as hell. But it is interesting, if only to illustrate the scope of man's depravity and inhumanity to man.

I spotted this subject on THE MILITARY CHANNEL -- an in-depth probe into the excesses of the Nazi Regime during the 1930s and 1940s. As Hitler, who at this stage was touted as the "Savior", launched ever more disturbing and perverted policies, the young people of Germany were swept into programs designed to create a "pure" race, providing fodder for Der Fuehrer's legions and the coming of the Aryan Millenium.

In lock step with these objectives was the destruction of the established faiths -- notably Christianity. In this regard, Hitler's excesses and perverted personal ambitions changed the world -- for the worse.

America and our allies paid dearly in blood and money, but with our resolve and commitment we put a stop to that crap. I am proud of that.
It is interesting to me that many modern-day scholars no longer see Adolf Hitler as some depraved Teutonic Lone Ranger riding on a white stallion to dupe and lead mindless Germany's masses into his own personal nightmare.

No, they see a Germany at the time as in many ways willing to experiment with Hitler's Nazi Empire -- with all of its dangers and horrors -- complicit en masse in the insane measures which killed millions of people -- in gas chambers and on battlefields throughout Europe. Some claim that economic concerns drove Germany into Hitler's arms. That didn't make it right.

They say, and I am becoming increasingly convinced of this, that Hitler and the Germans of the time were made for one another. And knew it.

I hate to take up a topic like this that draws our attention away from communism and radical Islam. But maybe this will serve a purpose.

Please read on:

SS and Lebensborn

The SS became involved in making social policy for the German Reich. In December 1935, using private funding but within the institutional framework of the SS Race and Settlement Main Office, the SS established the Lebensborn (Fount of Life) Society. Lebensborn was to care for children born out of wedlock to racially “suitable” women. Special Lebensborn homes provided a viable option to unwed mothers who might otherwise seek abortions (for which the Nazi regime increased criminal penalties in 1933). The homes offered a protective atmosphere in which the women could have their babies and even raise them if they so chose. Himmler estimated that the SS could save at least 100,000 babies from being aborted during pregnancy.

The ideological basis for Lebensborn corresponded to Nazi social policy encouraging families to have large numbers of children: more racially suitable babies meant more racially suitable and superior soldiers and eventual unlimited expansion of the so-called German master race. During the war, the SS leadership reassured SS men serving at the front that not only their legitimate children but any illegitimate children (and their mothers) would be cared for in Lebensborn homes. Himmler and Deputy Nazi party chief Rudolf Hess were even prepared to urge German women to choose to conceive and bear children out of wedlock for the sake of the Reich, but this overt assault on the institution of marriage in name of the biological expansion of the race was too radical even for Nazi society in time of war.

This was the beginning of the so-called "Master Race" -- conceived and generated to be the purest, strongest, most intelligent, most handsome in an Aryan ideal, most psychologically pliable and easy to manipulate, least principled least moral people on earth.

Lebensborn - Giving birth to the Nazi Master Race. Lebensborn (fountain of life, spring of life) was a child wellbeing and relocation program by Nazi leader Heinrich Himmler to aid the racial heredity of Nazi Germany and to encourage Germans, especially SS, to have more children.
Latest hand-picked WWII news. See also: HitlerJugend: Hitler Youth, Wartime Children.
The tale of 12,000 blue-eyed blond kids taken by the SS to create an Aryan super-race
Heinrich Himmler wanted to breed 'pure white' chickens while running a farm. After becoming the leader of the SS, he wanted to do the same with humans. SS men searched occupied lands for blond kids for the Lebensborn program, and SS officers were told to mate with suitable German girls and to father children with Scandinavian women. These Aryan babies were born into a life of privilege. They were baptised in a unique SS ceremony: Cradled beneath a SS dagger, oaths were said on their behalf promising lifelong loyalty to Nazi ideology. After the war they were hated: chained up with a dog in the yard, or thrown into the river to "see if the witch would drown or float".
Man kidnapped by SS into the Lebensborn programme discovers his true identity
Folker Heinecke spent 34 years researching his family history before discovering that two soldiers came to his village in the Crimea and seized him under the German Lebensborn (Fount of Life) programme. The Lebensborn organization, set up by SS boss Heinrich Himmler, aimed to populate the Third Reich with racially pure people. One part of the plan involved SS men mating with suitable German women. Another involved stealing kids who fitted the Nazi racial stereotype of blue-eyed, blonde, Nordic super-beings who could be Germanised. "I do not want to die unhappily, like so many Lebensborn children. Just to stand at the grave of my real mother, that will be enough."
Lebensborn: The war children of a nazi eugenics scheme speak out
They were the blue-eyed blonds born into an ominous SS scheme to further the Aryan race. But the defeat of the Nazi Germany left Norway's 'Lebensborn' (the spring of life) facing the payback of an entire nation. Here, 5 war children speak about their ordeal: and their fight for compensation. The Lebensborn Society was born on 12 Dec. 1935, the brainchild of Heinrich Himmler. He had planned a project to promote an "Aryan future" for the Third Reich and turn around a falling birth rate. People were given motivators to have more children in the Fatherland, and also in occupied countries, like in Scandinavia, where the Nordic gene was regarded Aryan.
Nazi scheme to kidnap 'Aryan' children from occupied countries
A book about Hitler's Lebensborn programme shows the Nazis kidnapped thousands of children from occupied countries to fill the demand for future manpower. Lebensborn, Fount of Life, is often thought to be just a breeding programme where S.S. "studs" mated with suitable female specimens and 9 months later the offspring were turned over to the state. These were supposed to grow up to be standard bearers of Hitler's "New Order." But historian Volker Koop says in "Give a Child to the Fuehrer - the Lebensborn Organisation" that the SS-run group kidnapped thousands from occupied lands and murdered those that racial "experts" deemed "unfit for Germanisation".
A daughter for the master race - Between 2 worlds
On a April morning in 1944, 6yo Alodia Witaszek was combed and scrubbed, sitting in the children`s home that had primed her for membership in Adolf Hitler`s master race. Over the past year she had been snatched from her family, gone hungry in a camp and been beaten for speaking Polish. Now she had a German name, "Alice Wittke," and a new German mother. "Guten tag, Mutti!" she called in flawless German to the young woman approaching her. Only years later would she discover the truth: she was among 250 children seized from their families as part of a Nazi attempt to improve the Aryan gene pool in pursuit of racial purity.
Norway: Court to Consider Compensating Nazi Lebensborn Children
In 1935, Nazi SS-leader Heinrich Himmler launched the "Lebensborn" program to breed a blond-haired blue-eyed master race. After decades of discrimination, 150 surviving Lebensborn children, all with a German father and Norwegian mother, have come forward to ask for compensation from Norway, before the European Court of Human Rights. During the years of Nazi occupation in Norway, a half million German soldiers were urged to father children with "pure blood" Norwegian women - "descendants of the Vikings" - thus, helping create a master race. In Oslo's Nazi Resistance Museum, there's no mention of the Lebensborn children - "war children".
Norway's Aryan children go to court over years of prejudice
The victims of a Nazi scheme claim they were locked up in mental homes, denied education and faced decades of prejudice. Now a group of Norwegian "war children", born as part of a German plan to create a genetically pure race, are taking their case to the European court, demanding compensation and recognition of their suffering. Up to 12,000 children with a Norwegian mother and a German father were born in Norway during world war II under the Lebensborn (Fountain of Life) scheme, introduced by SS chief Heinrich Himmler in 1935 to propagate Aryan children. Outside Nazi Germany, Norway was the jewel of the programme.
Lebensborn program still a source of pain - Norwegian view
Anne-Lise Fredriksen was walking one day when her husband told her to straighten up so her back wouldn't ache later. To his shock, she burst into tears. Her husband's remark had dredged up a far darker memory, from the time when she was a girl growing up in Norway. Because her father had been a Nazi soldier during the occupation of Norway in World War II, children threw rocks at her, adults chased her away from public gatherings. She is one of 9,000 to 12,000 Norwegian children part of the Nazis' Lebensborn program, begun by SS chief Heinrich Himmler to increase the supply of blond-haired, blue-eyed "Aryan" children.
Lebensborn - Bred to be the elite of Hitler's 1,000-year Reich
After decades of silence the children of the Lebensborn program to create a master race have started to speak out. Topic number one is the search for their true parents. They were bred to be the elite of Adolf Hitler's 1,000-year Reich but ended up cowed by shame and alienation. Some 8,000 were born in Nazi Germany and 12,000 in Norway as part of Lebensborn, formed by SS leader Heinrich Himmler to encourage women of "pure blood" to bear blond, blue-eyed offspring. Guntram Weber found out that his father was an SS major-general convicted of war crimes and sentenced to death in 1949. He had escaped to South America and died in 1970.
Master race: Born under SS leader Heinrich Himmler's Lebensborn
Christened in an SS ritual in which the SS dagger was held over them: A group representing thousands of people born under the Lebensborn programme of Heinrich Himmler met in Wernigerode to share experiences and help each other to trace their true parents — who were often committed Nazis. Most Lebensborn records were burnt at the end of the World War 2. "Many women swore the SS oath ‘My honour is loyalty` which still seems to play a role in their lives. They`d rather die than tell the truth." There were 14 Lebensborn clinics, and about 8,000 children were born in Germany and 12,000 in occupied Norway.
Build Aryan Race - Germans Tell of Secret Nazi Program
Folker Heinicke always had the feeling that something about his upbringing just wasn't right. Being raised in a German home full of wealth did not dull his notions that something was missing, but it would be decades before he would learn the truth: he was the child of a Nazi program to strengthen the German race with Aryan blood. Known as "Lebensborn Kinder" they were the product of parents chosen for their traits to breed Hitler's idealized blue-eyed, blonde-haired Aryan race. For the last four years, Heinicke and 40 other children raised in the Nazi program have met. Now for the first time, they told their stories in public.
Norway finally forgives women who slept with Nazi soldiers
Norwegian women who slept with German soldiers during the WW2 and have been denied a special pension ever since as punishment are finally to be forgiven. Known as "tysketöser", German whores, they have until now been excluded from the war pension paid to all who remained true to "good national principles" during the occupation. Now Norway's government has quietly reversed its policy of discrimination against the women and will start paying the money to the few dozen still left. "These women are no longer to be punished for the love stories of their youth that took place 60 years ago."
Lebensborn - Nazi past haunts "Aryan" children
Between 1935 and 1945, around 10,000 German and 9,000 Norwegian children with "Aryan" characteristics of blond hair and blue eyes were born into a Nazi-run programme called "Lebensborn" or "Fountain of Life". It was part of the Nazis' plan to create a "master race". 60 years later, many are still living with the psychological scars. Gisela Heidenreich was born out of an affair with an SS commander. Her mother also worked as a secretary for Lebensborn. Heinrich Himmler encouraged affairs between SS soldiers and Aryan women, to increase the stock of "racially valuable" Germans in response to falling birth rates.

See also:
HitlerJugend: Hitler Youth
Wartime Children.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

More red-ribbon ceremonies for McIntyre, but Mike is AWOL on Obamacare!

Verne Strickland Blogmaster / July 15, 2012

By on July 13, 2012 in Unfulfilled Promises, Voting Record

We figured it would take a few days for Mike McIntyre to respond to the Supreme Court’s egregious ruling on Obamacare.  It’s been over two weeks, but there’s no word from Mike McIntyre on what he is doing to prevent Obamacare from destroying our healthcare system.

However, he does have time to attend another “red-ribbon cutting” ceremony.  On Saturday, Mike McIntyre ingratiates himself to the Village of Bald Head Island when he “presents” them with a $50,000 pork grant from the federal government…as if it is his own money.

Maybe Mike McIntyre can spare a few minutes to pen a letter to Governor Beverley Purdue requesting that she suspend implementation of the Obamacare exchanges and the Medicaid expansion as prescribed in Obamacare?  After all, as a prominent “anti-Obamacare” Democrat in North Carolina, wouldn’t his opinion hold some wait with the governor?

And by the way -- The Republican Study Committee is circulating a letter from members of Congress who are pledging to defund Obamacare through the annual appropriations process.  At present, 104 members have signed onto this important letter.  Do you see McIntyre’s name on this list?

  1. Adams
  2. Akin
  3. Amash
  4. Amodei
  5. Austria
  6. Bachmann
  7. Bartlett
  8. Barton
  9. Benishek
  10. Berg
  11. Bishop
  12. Black
  13. Blackburn
  14. Boustany
  15. Brooks
  16. Bucshon
  17. Buerkle
  18. Burton
  19. Canseco
  20. Chabot
  21. Chaffetz
  22. Coble
  23. Conaway
  24. Culberson
  25. Duffy
  26. Duncan, Jeff
  27. Duncan, John
  28. Farenthold
  29. Fincher
  30. Flake
  31. Fleischmann
  32. Fleming
  33. Flores
  34. Franks
  35. Gardner
  36. Garrett
  37. Gingrey
  38. Gohmert
  39. Gosar
  40. Gowdy
  41. Graves, Tom
  42. Griffin
  43. Hall
  44. Hartzler
  45. Heck
  46. Herger
  47. Huelskamp
  48. Huizenga
  49. Hunter
  50. Jenkins
  51. Johnson, Sam
  52. Jones, Walter B
  53. Jordan
  54. King, Steve
  55. Labrador
  56. Lamborn
  57. Landry
  58. Lankford
  59. Latta
  60. Long
  61. Luetkemeyer
  62. Mack
  63. Manzullo
  64. Marchant
  65. Marino
  66. McClintock
  67. McKinley
  68. Mica
  69. Miller, Jeff
  70. Mulvaney
  71. Murphy, Tim
  72. Neugebauer
  73. Noem
  74. Nugent
  75. Palazzo
  76. Paul
  77. Pearce
  78. Pitts
  79. Poe
  80. Pompeo
  81. Price
  82. Quayle
  83. Ribble
  84. Roe
  85. Rokita
  86. Ross, Dennis
  87. Scalise
  88. Schilling
  89. Schmidt
  90. Schweikert
  91. Scott, Austin
  92. Scott, Tim
  93. Sensenbrenner
  94. Southerland
  95. Stearns
  96. Stutzman
  97. Sullivan
  98. Walberg
  99. Walsh
  100. West
  101. Westmoreland
  102. Wilson, Joe
  103. Yoder
  104. Young, C.W. Bill


About Patriot

CANCER SAVED MY MARRIAGE -- a personal journey with Verne Strickland.

CANCER WALk . . . Cancer Saved My Marriage
Posted by Verne Strickland July 15, 2012 on USA DOT COM

Wooden Wheelchair

Romans 8:28  (KJV)   

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are  called according to his purpose.

I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma about six months ago, and guided by God to Dr. William McNulty, a gifted, board-certified oncologist at Hanover Hematology/Oncology in Wilmington, NC. 

The cancer struck in my hips and pelvic region, rendering me almost unable to walk. Multiple Myeloma is a form of bone cancer. If detected early, it has the reputation of being treatable. If not, it can be a stealthy marauder, ravaging skeletal systems, and threatening life and limb. 

I turned 75 this year, but have enjoyed very good health most of my life. Tried to watch my diet, curb cholesterol, do light weight training, and stay off the smokes, which I quit over thirty years ago.

But then this "thing" happened. Quite suddenly I had to curtail all my activities. I was grounded. My energy plummeted. I had no appetite, and my weight dropped markedly. Before I knew it, I was down to within five pounds of what I scaled in at when I was in boot camp at Fort Jackson fifty years ago.

I dropped out of sight. Could not function. Early onset of Alzheimer's worsened, and I was often confused and inarticulate. I couldn't think. To my family the change was evident, and alarming. We were all concerned. I didn't announce to friends until later what was going on. I didn't know what was happening -- only that it was serious.

The effects of multiple myeloma on the body and immune system can be catastrophic. The disease is progressive, and causes excessively high numbers of abnormal plasma cells to form in the bone marrow. As these abnormal cells continue to multiply, healthy plasma cells are crowded and overwhelmed. Multiple myeloma cells do not properly activate the body's immune system in response to harmful invaders. 

All of the added plasma cells in the bone marrow also cause pain in the bones. Bone tissue may be destroyed, and the bones may break more easily. Calcium from destroyed bone can build up in the blood. This condition, called hypercalcemia, can hurt the kidneys, brain, heart, and digestive tract. The damage to these organs can cause serious health problems. Collapsed bones in the spine may press on the spinal cord and nerves, causing numbness or paralysis. If it is not treated, multiple myeloma can spread throughout your body and quickly be fatal.

But we didn't give the problem a chance to run rampant. Signing on with Dr. McNulty, I submitted to bone biopsies, scans, MRIs, and a barrage of other tests to identify the problem which had invaded my body. Once we had a name for the disease, and a description and recommended treatment, we poured all our energies and prayers into fighting this dread invader.

Cancer? It was a sobering realization. This wanton destroyer respects neither wealth, privilege, rank, relationships nor good intentions. Nearly every family has been touched by it. It leaves a bitter legacy wherever it goes.

But in our case, Durrene and I sought and found something else. Tenderness. Reflection. Respect. Patience. Gratitude. Forgiveness. Love. Peace. Joy. A closer walk with God.

We traded cancer for that. The cancer remained, of course. We knew it might. But it didn't seem to matter. 

Through chemotherapy, radiation, heavy pain-killers, mounting fatigue, disturbing weight loss, mental and emotional confusion, we prayed, not only for the obvious -- healing, cessation of pain, revival of hope -- but increasingly for the others, my brothers and sisters I met and befriended in the chemo ward. I was touched by their stories -- most worse than my own. Their courage and prayerful acceptance of their burdens sometimes made my eyes well up with emotion. I will never forget them.

The most heartbreaking thing I believe I experienced during this "cancer walk" was to understand that Durrene, my beloved wife of 51 years, was viewing all this in a markedly different way from me. It can be hard to look your mortality in the eye, but I had truly cast myself into the arms of my Lord Jesus, whom I had come to know all over again, after arrogantly declaring to myself that I had no need of God anymore. I am ashamed of that callous declaration of independence, and grateful that Jesus Christ did not wash His hands of me. 

Durrene is a sweet, strong woman, but here she found a new threat -- and one hard to deal with -- a husband and mate whose well-being was eroding before her eyes. Her vulnerability hurt me more than anything else about this dark, malevolent visitor who had come into our lives. 

I could love her, encourage her, pray with her and for her, but alone I could not protect from the cancer that was attacking me. That would be up to God.

He did bless me, sending me a penance that changed what was left of my life. Moments became more precious. Love became more tender. Bickering and hurtful words were cast aside. We came to realize that Durrene is in the Autumn of her days, while I am in the Winter of mine. 

All of these feelings came together in our hearts and  rekindled a tender love for one another. We were each smitten anew by the soul mate whom God had brought to us. It was treasure lost, then found again. 

This is surely happening all around us -- in the other lives which have touched ours in the cancer wards, the oncology waiting rooms, the doctor's offices, the operating rooms where cancer often meets its match.

This experience toward life's end has brought me closer to the Lord, closer to my wife, closer to my family. I am grateful for it. It is a blessing. Cancer has saved my marriage.

Over $40 million allotted for NYC security cameras, but boneheaded Housing Authority does not use it.

 Verne Strickland Blogmaster / July 15, 2012

NYCHA has sat on the money while deciding what to install and where. Tenants at public housing, where shootings have seen a double-digit spike, say inaction is mind-boggling.

Updated: Friday, July 13, 2012, 3:00 AM









Front page of the Friday, July 13, 2012 New York Daily News.

In the city’s sketchiest housing projects, crime and fear are on the rise, but money to protect the residents has been tied up in red tape.
More than $40 million has been designated for security cameras in city projects over the last eight years, but no cameras have been installed due to foot-dragging by the New York City Housing Authority.
“They’ve just been sitting on that money without doing anything with it? That’s an outrage,” said Jose Rivera, whose 3-year-old son Isaiah was shot last week during a gun battle at the Roosevelt Houses in Brooklyn. “That’s totally outrageous.”
Twelve cameras cover Roosevelt’s nine buildings over four city blocks, none of which are monitored 24 hours a day. And Isaiah’s building has no cameras at all.
All told, $42 million in taxpayer money earmarked by politicians for cameras has accumulated since 2004. But NYCHA has sat on the money while trying to figure out exactly what to install — and where.
Last year, the housing agency froze the City Council funds so it could create a task force to develop a full-time, coordinated monitoring system for its 334 projects.
The panel recently identified 80 crime-plagued projects desperate for cameras. As of this week, not a single one from the $42 million kitty was up and running.
“They need to put them here,” Rivera said, speaking in his apartment as a recovering Isaiah played at his feet. “It might prevent what happened. It would make this building a lot safer. There’s a lot of drug peddling in the building. I’d like for there to be cameras. This has to stop.”
When Officer Brian Groves was shot at the Seward Park Houses last week, a bullet-resistant vest saved his life. Security cameras could have identified the gunman, but they won’t be installed until next year. The shooter remains at large.
“Please, we need the cameras now,” pleaded Carmen Orta, 71, a tenant at the high-crime development on the lower East Side. “If we had the cameras, they would know who shot that cop. He would be in jail already.”
Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer said the red tape puts residents in danger.
“When money for security upgrades is staring the Housing Authority in the face and they don’t act, it puts everybody at risk,” Stringer said.
In February 2011, Stringer set aside $400,000 for cameras in the Baruch Houses on the lower East Side after tenants opened an elevator to find the body of Jomali Morales, 42. She was dead after someone stabbed her 11 times.
Police never got a clear image of her attacker. There were no cameras, even though residents had long demanded them. And 16 months after Stringer set aside the money, criminals can still operate without fear of cameras.