Dale Dutcher August 6, 2015
Many political figures and pundits in Washington, D.C. are predicting and preparing for World War Three (WWIII) to quickly erupt in the Middle East due to preemptive nuclear strikes.
Even though Barack Obama has made a “peace deal” with Iran, leaders in the region sure are talking a lot about war.
The Obama “deal” is on very shaky ground.

The odds of this “deal” holding up over the long term appear to be somewhere between slim and none.
But even if this deal does survive, that does not mean that everything will be okay in the Middle East.
In fact, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is convinced that Obama’s deal with Iran will actually “lead to war”…
The world powers’ nuclear deal with Iran will lead to war and a “nightmare” regional nuclear arms race, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned in an online address to American and Canadian Jews on Tuesday evening.
Netanyahu, who has been seeking to sway US lawmakers to thwart the agreement, accused the deal’s supporters in the Obama administration of spreading “disinformation about the deal and about Israel’s position” in its bid to rally support.
He pointed out a series of “fatal flaws” in the deal, and asserted that it “doesn’t block Iran’s path to bomb,” but rather “paves” its path to the bomb.
Over and over, Netanyahu has been adamant about the fact that his government will never allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon.
If Obama’s “peace deal” ever had a prayer of bringing peace to the Middle East, it had to convince the Israeli government that Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons had been completely stopped.
On that point, Obama failed miserably.
This is something that I discussed extensively in my recent piece entitled “Why Israel Is Going To Bomb Iran“.
But even though this deal will not bring peace between Iran and Israel, John Kerry says that the U.S. Congress has to go along with it otherwise the ayatollah will believe that we are “screwing” him…
The ayatollah constantly believed that we are untrustworthy, that you can’t negotiate with us, that we will screw them.
This will be the ultimate screwing. We cut a deal, we stand up, it’s announced, five other countries believe in it—six other countries, because Iran signs off, and we’re the seventh—but you know, China, Russia, France, Germany, Britain, all sign off.
Now the United States Congress will prove the ayatollah’s suspicion, and there’s no way he’s ever coming back. He will not come back to negotiate. Out of dignity, out of a suspicion that you can’t trust America.America is not going to negotiate in good faith.
John Kerry is not the only one talking like this. Barack Obama says that if Congress does not go along with this deal that it will mean that the U.S. will eventually be forced to conduct a military strike against Iran…
John Kerry is not the only one talking like this. Barack Obama says that if Congress does not go along with this deal that it will mean that the U.S. will eventually be forced to conduct a military strike against Iran…
If the US Congress shoots down the Iranian nuclear deal,America will eventually be pressured into a military strike against Tehran’s nuclear facilities, which will in turn increase terror against Israel, US President Barack Obama told Jewish leaders Tuesday, a source who was present at the meeting said.
Obama went on to say that the Iranian response to such an attack would result in missiles raining down on Tel Aviv…
“They will fight this asymmetrically.
That means more support for terrorism, more Hezbollah rockets falling on Tel Aviv,” Rosenbaum quoted Obama as saying.
“I can assure that Israel will bear the brunt of the asymmetrical response that Iran will have to a military strike on its nuclear facilities.”
President Obama may actually be correct on this point.
When Iranian nuclear facilities get hit, Iran and Hezbollah will respond by launching missiles at major Jewish cities.
Iran is also warning about imminent war in the region…
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the chairman of Iran’s powerful Expediency Council, warned in comments that the “outbreak of World War III” is coming in the near future, according to a report by Iran’s Fars News Agency.
“The threat of the outbreak of the third world war by the terrorists is serious,” Rafsanjani was quoted as saying in a meeting with Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni, who was in Tehran this week for a meeting with Iranian officials.
Rafsanjani blamed the United States and NATO for fostering the conditions that will lead to World War III.
“The U.S. and the NATO had invaded Afghanistan to uproot terrorism and narcotics, but we saw that terrorism expanded in the form of the ISIL, Boko Haram and Al-Nusra Front to remote parts of the world from Al-Qaeda and Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan,” he was quoted as saying.
Rafsanjani went on to demand that the United States and other Western countries “stop their support for the terrorist groups” in the region.
And of course the Iranians have never even pretended to abandon their ultimate goal: the destruction of the Jewish state and the liberation of Jerusalem.
According to the New York Post, Iran’s supreme leader has just put out a 416 page book all about this…
While Secretary of State John Kerry and President Obama do their best to paper over the brutality of the Iranian regime and force through a nuclear agreement, Iran’s religious leader has another issue on his mind:
The total annihilation of people and the complete destruction of assets and infrastructure in Israel.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has published a new book called “Palestine,” a 416-page screed against the Jewish state.
A blurb on the back cover credits Khamenei as “The flagbearer of Jihad to liberate Jerusalem.”
Let us hope that it is delayed for as long as possible, but without a doubt a major war is coming to the Middle East.
It will be a war unlike anything that we have ever seen in the Middle East before, and vast numbers of people will die.
If Barack Obama was trying to prevent this, then he has failed miserably.
But if he was trying to set the stage for such a war, then he has accomplished his mission.