It’s Crunch Time!
With early voting right around the corner, we have a lot of work to do to ensure a Conservative victory in district 7. Early voting begins next Thursday. Ladies and gentlemen, it is crunch time and we need your help. If you would like to volunteer and help the campaign, please come by our office at 8207 Market St. in Porter's Neck. You can also join Ilario at one of the events below. Every hour, every minute that you can spare will make the difference between winning and losing on May 8.Here are some things you can do:
- Make phone calls – Reaching out to potential voters over the phone is a great way to spread the message of conservatism to people who may not attend a debate or rally.
- Address envelopes – Every address that you help write on an envelope is another family that we are able to reach.
- So much more – Come by the office; there are many other ways you can support the campaign.
We are fighting against Washington lobbyist money, so every moment that you give to helping fight that agenda is a moment spent supporting a true Conservative cause.
Come and Get your Signs!
The signs have arrived and we want to get them out as quickly as possible. If you or someone you know would like to have one in your front yard, come by and grab them today. We could also use your help distributing them on busy thoroughfares throughout the district.New Hanover County Debate This Tuesday, April 17th
This coming Tuesday at the Historic New Hanover County Courthouse, the next 7th District Republican Congressional Primary Debate will take place. If you’ve heard anything about the last two debates, you know you won’t want to miss this one! The doors will be opening at 6:30pm and the event will begin at 7:00pm. The debate is sponsored by the Lower Cape Fear Republican Women. For more information, you can contact them at http://www.lowercapefearrw.com/. Or call the office at (910) 821-0089.7th District Republican Convention this Saturday
The 7th district Republican Party will be hosting our district convention this Saturday at the Brunswick County Republican Headquarters, 971 Old Ocean Highway, Bolivia NC. Registration opens at 9:30 a.m. and closes at 10:30 a.m. Convention begins at 10:30 a.m. Wear your Pantano for Congress gear and come by and say hello!Shooting Match This Sunday at 37 PSR and Gun Club
This coming Sunday at 1pm in Bunnlevel, NC, the Pantano for Congress campaign will be hosting a shooting match at 37 PSR and Gun Club. In honor of the IRS tax day, we'll be shooting the tax code with a Barret .50 cal! If you outshoot Ilario, you shoot for free. You can find more information online at PantanoforCongress.com or by calling the campaign office.Wilmington Tax Day Rally this Monday April 16th
The protest will be held at the Federal Building in Wilmington down by the Cape Fear River. The event will begin at 6:00pm and will feature speakers from many Conservative organizations from all across the state and country. For more information, you can go to CurtisWrightOnline.com.Order Your P4C Gear and Support the Cause!
Get your gear here: http://www.logosdirectcore.com/pantanoforcongress/ It's time to break out those t-shirts!
Order Your P4C Gear and Support the Cause!
Get your gear here: http://www.logosdirectcore.com/pantanoforcongress/ It's time to break out those t-shirts!
Brian Long
Pantano For Congress
o: (910) 821-0089
m: (804) 241-5297