Verne Strickland Blogmaster / September 22, 2012

Ambassador Christopher Stevens
gay ambassador to Libya.
Arab media says ambassador Stevens was gang raped and then his body was put on display.
Hillary Clinton has been spending US taxpayer dollars to fund homosexual pride events in foreign countries. Her actions have prompted backlashes against the US in Italy, Russia, Pakistan, and other nations.
Last year, Barack Obama made it official US policy to fund homosexual rights groups overseas with US tax-dollars.
In Pakistan, the staff of the US embassy in Islamabad was placed in serious danger after being ordered to host a homosexual pride event. Pakistanis rioted outside the embassy and burned American flags.
Friends of Christopher Stevens in Chicago say he was gay.
A member of the Serbian diplomatic team based in Chicago told that the State Department knowingly sent a gay man to be the ambassador of Libya. reports "in Chicago’s diplomatic circles at least there is no doubt that Chris Stevens was gay."
Clinton claimed that Libya and Egypt would become western style democracies. She even made the comical assertion that the Muslim Brotherhood was "committed to democracy." Now Clinton's "democracy activists" are murdering Christians in the streets of Egypt, burning American flags, and calling for holy war against Israel. Clinton seems hellbent on bringing the same chaos to Syria as well.
Clinton stated that Stevens killers were well armed and probably connected to Al-Qaeda. She neglects to mention that the Obama administration armed and supported hard-core Jihadists in Libya. Some of whom openly bragged about ties to Al-Qaeda. Hillary Clinton acts like she is surprised that such a reckless policy has blown up in her face.
Christopher Stevens is the first US ambassador to be murder overseas since Adolph Dubs was killed in Afghanistan in 1976. Three other Americans were murdered, including former Navy Seal Glen Doherty.
Serbian diplomat, and friend of Christopher Stevens, says State Department knowingly sent Arab media says ambassador Stevens was gang raped and then his body was put on display.
Hillary Clinton has been spending US taxpayer dollars to fund homosexual pride events in foreign countries. Her actions have prompted backlashes against the US in Italy, Russia, Pakistan, and other nations.
Last year, Barack Obama made it official US policy to fund homosexual rights groups overseas with US tax-dollars.
In Pakistan, the staff of the US embassy in Islamabad was placed in serious danger after being ordered to host a homosexual pride event. Pakistanis rioted outside the embassy and burned American flags.
Friends of Christopher Stevens in Chicago say he was gay.
A member of the Serbian diplomatic team based in Chicago told that the State Department knowingly sent a gay man to be the ambassador of Libya. reports "in Chicago’s diplomatic circles at least there is no doubt that Chris Stevens was gay."
The question is, did Hillary Clinton know this? If so, she knowingly sent him into an environment where his presence would be considered a provocation. Hillary Clinton's track record in North Africa is absolutely dismal. The US State Department has successfully turned Libya and Egypt upside down and placed militant Islam in charge of those nations.
Clinton claimed that Libya and Egypt would become western style democracies. She even made the comical assertion that the Muslim Brotherhood was "committed to democracy." Now Clinton's "democracy activists" are murdering Christians in the streets of Egypt, burning American flags, and calling for holy war against Israel. Clinton seems hellbent on bringing the same chaos to Syria as well.
Clinton stated that Stevens killers were well armed and probably connected to Al-Qaeda. She neglects to mention that the Obama administration armed and supported hard-core Jihadists in Libya. Some of whom openly bragged about ties to Al-Qaeda. Hillary Clinton acts like she is surprised that such a reckless policy has blown up in her face.
According to leading Arab media outlets, the murder of US Ambassador Christopher Stevens was even more horrible than what was reported in on the US media. The Arab media reports that Stevens was beaten, gang raped, killed, and then his body was publicly displayed in a manner similar to Gaddafi. A Libyan doctor who examined the body said Stevens had severe internal injuries and died of "severe asphyxia."
Christopher Stevens is the first US ambassador to be murder overseas since Adolph Dubs was killed in Afghanistan in 1976. Three other Americans were murdered, including former Navy Seal Glen Doherty.
the Chicago fiasco with Obama's chief of staff in the middle. Current ACORN expose..OBAMAs past and only employer! The on going simple birth certificate request…"just show the original document"!
Additionally, our President and his "apologetic" foreign policy speeches and the recent missle defense change, exposing our NATO allies to an increasing Russian threat. No one had to prompt these meetings! If the news media, and all the networks would have performed their duties accurately,
the townhall and teabaggers would have been much larger! This would include Mr. Matthews!