Article provided by Pantano for Congress
May 2, 2011 by
About the author: Jessica Anderson is Heritage Action’s North Carolina State Director.
I had the privilege to meet Ginny my first week on the job and caught up with the activist to ask her a few questions.

When did you first get involved as an activist in North Carolina?
Ginny Quaglia: I had been calling and writing my legislators for awhile, but mostly I screamed at the TV and wondered what to do. After I attended Curtis’ first Coastal Conservative Conference in Wilmington, I was hooked. There, we got information on how to be a “community organizer” and concrete things to do to combat the left and start controlling the message from the right. From there, I co-founded a Brunswick County Tea Party group, got heavily involved in the Brunswick County Republican Party, helped run a primary campaign for a state senate seat, co-founded a second Tea Party Group that works in both North and South Carolina, and co-founded a by-invitation only conservative group currently operating very efficiently mostly on Brunswick County issues.
Wow, you really hit the ground running! What three issues are you most concerned with?
Quaglia: The three issues I am most concerned about are first healthcare. We must repeal and replace Obamacare. It is key to gaining back our liberty and freedom. Second, the EPA must go. It controls everything that healthcare doesn’t capture. And third, I’m concerned about the erosion of faith in this country. Our country was founded on a Judeo-Christian tradition and today, it seems anything goes. The lack of morals, values, and faith means no one has a conscience. They are at sea without a rudder, adrift in an ocean of hopelessness.
What was your favorite moment as an activist the past five years?
Quaglia: My favorite moment as an activist was also my scariest. But it was a seminal moment for me. I was standing in a local church filled with people there to hear a lecture by a professor on “Misconceptions of Islam”… I had prepared a short statement and questions for the good professor to refute his claims. So, shaking and wobbly I began to speak. About 1 minute in, 2 people tried to shout me down and shut me up. That only galvanized my position as my friends stood up for me and many clapped for me.
I made my point and grew more and more confident as I stood there and finished what I had to say. At that point I realized how powerful the individual really is. How each of us can make our voices count and be heard. That each of us can be leaders of this great country. That I am a leader already in just 2 short years. I feel very proud to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
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