Saturday, August 25, 2012

Radical Islam to join DNC in Charlotte. What a lucky break for conservative Christians!

Verne Strickland Blogmaster / August 25, 2012


By Mathew Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
August 24, 2012

Radical Islam is operating in America, is infiltrating our government and culture, and is on the official guest list of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) this September in Charlotte, North Carolina!

The DNC has rolled out the welcome mats – and prayer mats – and has officially sanctioned two days of special Islamic events.  The problem is, the leadership of the Islamic delegation includes people with known links to jihadist terrorists and an unindicted co-conspirator in the New York Trade Tower bombings in the early nineties! 

This news should disturb every American – and in particular, every Christian who understands the agenda of radical Muslims to destroy our nation through a stealth process called “civilization jihad.” 

In a very disturbing report by, we learn that two radical Muslims, both alleged terrorist sympathizers, will be among the high-ranking guests at the Democratic National Convention in early September.

The leaders of this official Democrat Party event, Jibril Hough and Imam Siraj Wahhaj, are being promoted as Muslim “moderates” – yet their histories tell a very different story.

As reported by RedState…

“Imam Siraj Wahhaj is imam of a mosque in Brooklyn, the leader of Muslim Alliance, a group with radical organization affiliations, and an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.”

Jabril Hough is the leader of a Sunni mosque in Charlotte. His separatist teachings mimic political Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood mindset. Wahhaj is also…in the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), which was also found by the government to be a front for HAMAS and the Muslim Brotherhood. 

‘Jumah at the DNC’ will kick off the two-day festival, which includes prayers, a regal banquet, and a day of cultural events and political forums. 

The stated goal of the Muslim event is to ‘attract national and international attention to the plight of American Muslims and to hold political parties accountable for issues that affect them.’”

The DNC has turned a blind eye to the radical Islamic infiltration of America.

Can the picture of growing Muslim influence in America be any clearer? 

Either the DNC didn’t properly investigate the leaders of these Muslim events they are sponsoring – or they simply don’t care that these two “leaders” of the Muslim convention events are linked to organizations whose stated goal is to destroy America!

That’s why Liberty Counsel Action is asking you and tens of thousands of other friends to join us in petitioning key Members of Congress to get behind Rep. Michele Bachmann’s and the National Security Five’s call for intense investigations into the growing influence of radical Islam inside our nation!

verne, I don’t understand why every believer and every patriotic American would not want to expose people and organizations that are determined to see that our nation falls from within!

Please click here to read and sign our petition of support for these investigations:

We cannot allow the misguided political correctness of “head in the sand” officials to bring about the overthrow of our nation! 

As additional evidence of the rapidly growing Islamic influence in our national government, I mentioned the following facts yesterday…

*In April, President Obama lifted a sanction and released $1.5 billion in military aid and supplies to the Egyptian military – now under the direct control of the Muslim Brotherhood.

*President Obama also called the Egyptian Arab Spring uprising a “success” which ultimately led to the election of President Mohammed Morsi – thus guaranteeing the Muslim Brotherhood political power in that nation.

*Huma Abedin, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff and an advisor to Secretary Clinton on Middle East policy, was reportedly a member of the executive board of the Muslim Student Association (MSA). The MSA has also been recognized as a Muslim Brotherhood front group. Ms. Abedin’s family members are also alleged to have ties to radical Muslim groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Muslim Brotherhood is now imposing a systematic “sanitation” of those who oppose radical Islam in Egypt, including reports of torture and/or death of anyone opposed to the control of President Mohammed Morsi.

Similar oppression of non-Muslims has occurred in every nation where the Muslim Brotherhood has power or growing influence!

For maximum impact, Liberty Counsel Action has been calling on friends of LCA for 50,000 initial signatures on this powerful petition – which means I need your signature today if at all possible!  They will be delivered to Members of Congress and other targeted officials when Congress reconvenes in early September. 

With over 46,200 signers so far, we hope to make this happen this weekend! Please don’t let political correctness or a sense of complacency keep you from being part of this vital petition.

Will you be one of the 3,800 friends who put us over the top? Please respond to this vital issue of national security!   

P.S. The DNC is either unaware or uncaring about the radical Muslims who are headlining two days of Islamic events at their convention.  This is further evidence that political correctness is overshadowing our national leadership’s ability to exercise due diligence!

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