Verne Strickland USA DOT COM May 28, 2013

(Issa wants answers while Barack Obama continues to cover them up.)
Issa subpoenas State Department for withheld Benghazi talking point documents
Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee have been insisting that, despite their indignant insistence to the contrary, the Obama administration still has plenty of explaining to do and needs to release more documents relating to the deadly terrorist attack in Benghazi last September and the subsequent talking-point shenanigans.Last week, Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa wrote to Secretary of State John Kerry reminding him of his promise to run “an accountable and open State Department” and asking that he make available for questioning a list of State employees that have yet to be thoroughly cross-examined, so to speak – and on Tuesday, Issa straight-up subpoenaed the State Department for all of the documents and communications relating to the Benghazi talking points.
In the letter, Issa states that the department’s release of 100 emails earlier this month was “incomplete.” Issa demands that Kerry produce “relevant documents through subpoena. The enclosed subpoena covers documents and the communications related to talking points prepared for members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and used by Ambassador Susan Rice during her September 16th, 2012, appearances on CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox, and CNN.”
Issa said that the documents released on May 20th did not answer “critical” questions posed by the committee as it investigates what happened during the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and the aftermath of that terror attack that killed former U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stephens and three other U.S. officials. LINK
Issa’s move is certainly good news. That said, as some of you are likely already considering, even with the subpoena the Obama White House could simply swamp Issa’s investigation with piles of redacted papers as it did with the Fast and Furious gunrunning investigation. In that case, even when Eric Holder was found in Contempt of Congress, Holder and the Obama administration simply shrugged and ignored the investigation.
What differs now though is that the media is not quite so willing to fully cover 100% for this administration.
Second, a looming midterm election is threatening to remove many Democrats from Congress. Do they want to be caught on the wrong side of history here?
Lastly, as the scandals swirl around Barack Obama, more Americans (not nearly enough – YET) are questioning if this president has lost the moral authority of not only his own administration, but the entire government. (Of course many of you knew from the very beginning he never had it.) If more people demand answers, sooner or later, even Democrat politicians will at the very least, have to step aside and allow those answers to be found.
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