Thursday, May 10, 2012

Ilario Pantano endorses GOP nonimee David Rouzer, urges supporters to join him.

This is the man we fought for. He's still strong and faithful with a heart that's in the right place.  Verne Strickland

Wilmington, NC: May 10, 2012
Friends, David Rouzer is our Republican Nominee for the 7th Congressional District. I support him and I hope you will too. 
I ask that you focus on the importance of a strong and unified conservative voice in defeating Barack Obama and I ask that you help David Rouzer in his effort to build a Republican firewall here in SE North Carolina.
We cannot afford the luxury of hurt feelings or disappointment. We were knocked down on May 8, but I ask that you get up and like me, brush yourself off and get back in the fight. 

Yesterday does not define us.  What you, your friends and family choose to do in the coming days will say more about your character than any political victory or defeat ever could.

Look to the example of General Robert E. Lee. It pained him to surrender, but he knew that he must and he knew that America needed him to lead the charge in healing its wounds.  Had Lee chosen to engage in partisan guerilla attacks, the war between the states would still be underway today.  Instead General Lee chose to do his duty as a Christian gentleman and work for peace in the years after the war.

I ask all of you to join me in humbly trying to live a witness of love, compassion and forgiveness for a cause bigger than all of us.  Let us make ourselves small so that we can make our faith big. If we can do that, it will be clear that there is only one way forward: Together.

We are in an ideological battle for the soul of our country.  If you truly believe that the future of America is at stake, as I do, than you and I cannot afford to delay in supporting David.  How we got here or the squabbling of intra-party politics will be of little consequence to your children and grand children as their futures are mortgaged by Obama and his team.

My experience on the battlefield has reaffirmed Winston Churchill’s adage: “It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required.” Today what is required is that we defeat Barack Obama and his lieutenant here in SE North Carolina: Mike McIntyre! We must ensure that we have a strong majority of conservative Republicans in the State House, the US Congress and the White House. 

We must work to ensure David Rouzer is our next congressman, Pat McCrory is our next Governor and Mitt Romney is our next president. The arguments have been made and the verdict has been rendered. Will you join me in putting your country and your duty first? Standing off on the sidelines is not an option, my friends.

Below are links to the Websites for David Rouzer, Pat McCrory and Mitt Romney.
I have just contributed $25 dollars to all of them and I ask that you do too. Put your money where your mouth is, join me and commit to victory in November!
I remain Always Faithful, to God, Corps, and Country.
Your Friend, your servant and your brother in Christ,
Ilario Pantano

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