Verne Strickland Blogmaster / October 16, 2012
John Nolte
16 Oct 2012, 7:49 PM PDT
We're done with the second presidential debate, but it was apparent 45 minutes in that between the questions Crowley chose and her handling of who was allowed to speak and when, that this debate was a total and complete set up to rehabilitate Barack Obama.
If these are truly undecided voters, they're apparently undecided between Obama and Green Party. Moreover, as I write this, Obama's already enjoyed four more minutes of speaking time than Romney. In a ninety-minute debate, that's a big deal.
The lowest and most dishonest part
Crowley's disgraceful "moderation" was when she actually jumped into the
debate to take Obama's side when the issue of Benghazi came up. To
cover for his and his administration lying for almost two weeks about
the attack coming as the result of a spontaneous protest over a YouTube
video, Obama attempted to use as cover, he claimed he had called the
attack a "terrorist attack" on that very first day during his Rose
Garden statement.
Romney correctly disputed that.
Crowley, quite incorrectly, took Obama's side and the crowd exploded.
Here's what Obama said that day:
No acts of terror will ever shake
the resolve of this great nation, alter that character or eclipse the
light of the values that we stand for.
Context matters and the context here is
that Obama connected this "act of terror" to … a mob action over a
YouTube video -- not a deliberate terrorist attack. Obama was using the
term generically and it would be almost two weeks before he used it
Let's not forget that Susan Rice said declaratively on the five Sunday shows four days later that it was NOT an act of terror.
And during those two weeks the Obama
administration lied like a rug. For Crowley to step in and attempt to
correct Romney on a statement that is at best arguable, was completely
out of line. The debate over this debate has only begun.
Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC

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