I belong to the school that believes the Republican Party must remain
the party of mainstream Reagan conservatism rather than try to become a
diluted version of the Democratic Party.
This does not mean Republicans
can't come up with creative policy solutions when advisable, but it does
mean that conservatism is based on timeless principles that require no
major revisions.
Conservatives are champions of freedom, the rule of law
and enforcement of the social compact between government and the people
enshrined in the Constitution, which imposes limitations on government
in order to maximize our liberties.
If we reject these ideas, then we
have turned our backs on what America means and what has made America
unique. What's the point of winning elections if the price is American
I refuse to acquiesce to the cowardly notion that
conservatives are intolerant or mean-spirited because they oppose
discriminant treatment for groups and classes of people, because they
support the rule of law, because they oppose a runaway entitlement state
and because they adhere to traditional values, including the protection
of innocent life.
But my personal preferences as to the future of
the conservative movement and the GOP aren't really the point. The point
is that no matter what I prefer, the hard truth is that the movement
inside the Republican Party to abandon social conservatism is nothing
short of a political death wish. Denying it will not alter the reality.
This does not mean Republicans can't come up with creative policy solutions when advisable, but it does mean that conservatism is based on timeless principles that require no major revisions.
Conservatives are champions of freedom, the rule of law and enforcement of the social compact between government and the people enshrined in the Constitution, which imposes limitations on government in order to maximize our liberties.
If we reject these ideas, then we have turned our backs on what America means and what has made America unique. What's the point of winning elections if the price is American exceptionalism?
I refuse to acquiesce to the cowardly notion that conservatives are intolerant or mean-spirited because they oppose discriminant treatment for groups and classes of people, because they support the rule of law, because they oppose a runaway entitlement state and because they adhere to traditional values, including the protection of innocent life.
But my personal preferences as to the future of the conservative movement and the GOP aren't really the point. The point is that no matter what I prefer, the hard truth is that the movement inside the Republican Party to abandon social conservatism is nothing short of a political death wish. Denying it will not alter the reality.

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