Verne Strickland USA DOT COM March 30, 2013
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 3/26/13 1:41 PM
A new report indicates the controversial pro-abortion HHS mandate has drawn more opposition than any other federal government regulation.A report in The Hill indicates the Obama administration’s rule requiring businesses and organizations to pay for birth control and drugs that may cause abortions has received input from more than 147,000 people — with most of them opposing the mandate.
The group attributed the flood of comments to the Catholic Church, which has urged parishioners to express their opposition to the mandate as an attack on religious freedom. Some women’s groups have also encouraged their members to support the policy as it moves through the regulatory process.The Sunlight Foundation, which released the report, provided additional information about it:
The watchdog group reported that the next-most-commented rules are those governing the federal pre-existing condition insurance plan.
Those regulations drew 4,600 responses, about 30 times fewer comments than birth control rules received. The disparity shows “just how motivated foes and champions of the contraceptive provision are,” the foundation wrote.
It is the rule rather than the exception
that most federal regulations get little attention from the general
public. Instead, dockets tend to be dominated by industry groups
representing companies affected by the regulations. In an analysis of
regulations receiving comments in 2012, Sunlight found that 89 percent
of the regulations that drew at least one comment received 100 or fewer.
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