Monday, April 22, 2013

Boston Massacre: The Quar’an is filled with commands to lie, kill and steal, to maim and enslave non-believers.

Why Boston Was Attacked Is Only Hard To Figure Out If We Deny The Truth

boston marathon explosion 300x168 Why Boston was attacked is only hard to figure out if we deny the truth

 vernestrickland/aoldotcom/ April 22, 2013

Since last week when the Obama Administration and its media were forced to acknowledge the bombing in Boston was a terrorist act NOT carried out by the TEA party or the Klu Klux Klan, but rather by adherent Muslims, we have heard a stream of verbal gymnastics trying to absolve the murderers and somehow blame America for the carnage in Boston.
We’ve heard from the Muslim apologist crowd – bearded fake intellectuals with pipes, elbow patches and the like – speaking in a halting meter to make it seem like every word is worth carving on Mount Rushmore.
Their sophistry, saying “who radicalized them?” and “young men struggling to fit into a strange new culture” or “just young men trying to be heard” does us no good.
What we need now is truth not feel good, “all cultures have good and bad” relativism.
Only the truth can help us learn from what has happened – lies don’t cut it. The truth is these two punks fell for the lies in the Qur’an’s verses of the sword.
These verses told them to kill non Muslins (2:191-193) (2:244) (2:216) ( 3:56) and commit any number of criminal acts in the name of the so-called “religion of peace.”
The word “terror” is actually in the qur’an (surah 8-12) in the common meaning of the word: “Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers…”
Surah 4:74 exalts Muslims to do battle with “non-believers” secure in the knowledge that if they are killed they will be rewarded in paradise, thus providing the grounds for educated Muslims to talk the uneducated Muslim into becoming suicide bombers.
In keeping with the general tone of subtle deception in the Qur’an “allah” orders faithful Muslims to kill and maim those who are enemies. Surah 5:33 says, “they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides…” This is why the ball bearing bombs were arranged so they would rip the legs off of the runners and spectators in Boston.
The Quar’an is filled with commands to lie, kill and steal to maim and enslave non-believers. The media won’t tell us this because it would raise the question of why we are making believe all of this is untrue.
In three minutes anyone can find this material on line. It is a certainty that those who tell us Islam is a “religion of peace” are lying and know they are lying. The question is always, what can we do about it?

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