Carolina Journal News Reports
All About The Hagan Grants
October 18, 2014Several businesses owned by Democratic U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan's husband, son, and other family members received federal energy grants. One grant, of $250,644, came from the Obama administration's stimulus program; the second, of $50,000, was from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Rural Development program.
The money was used to make energy improvements and install solar panels on a building owned by a Hagan family company, while another Hagan family company handled the installation. Meantime, the senator or her husband consulted a powerful Washington-based Democratic attorney for ethics advice about the grants. Read all of CJ's coverage in this series.
(10.16.14) USDA Office Blocks Access To Hagan Grant Records
RALEIGH — After first agreeing to allow Carolina Journal to inspect the documents relating to a taxpayer-funded U.S. Department of Agriculture energy grant to a company owned by family members of U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan, the USDA Rural Development office in Raleigh later said the matter was being handled in Washington — implying the USDA’s headquarters in the nation’s capital.
(10.15.14) Hagan Firm Received Second Federal Solar Grant
RALEIGH — JDC Manufacturing, a company co-owned by Democratic U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan’s husband Charles “Chip” Hagan, received a $50,000 renewable energy grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture in July 2011, less than a year after it got a $250,444 stimulus grant for a related project. The two grants were used for the installation of rooftop solar panels on a 300,000-square-foot building in Reidsville owned by JDC and leased to another Hagan family business.
(10.15.14) Stimulus Story Reveals Much
The next time you have solar panels installed on your property at public expense, you may want to hire yourself to do the job. It worked out well for the Hagans.
(10.14.14) Hagan Firm Keeps Stimulus Project Savings, Sends None to Taxpayers
REIDSVILLE — JDC Manufacturing, a company co-owned by Democratic U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan’s husband Charles “Chip” Hagan, lowered the total cost of a 2010 stimulus-funded energy project but kept all of the savings, sending none back to taxpayers who had funded the stimulus grant. Also, JDC’s decision to hire a separate company founded by Chip and son Tilden appears to violate a conflict-of-interest provision that was included in the application for the stimulus grant.
(10.13.14) Hagan Inconsistent About Stimulus Ethics
RALEIGH — Democratic U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan’s account in Thursday’s Senate debate regarding ethics questions surrounding the $250,644 stimulus grant awarded in 2010 to JDC Manufacturing, a Reidsville-based company owned by her husband Charles “Chip” Hagan and his brothers, John and David, differed from a statement made last month by her campaign.
(10.07.14) Hagan’s Husband Used Stimulus Money To Hire His Own Company
RALEIGH — Green State Power was formed seven weeks before JDC Manufacturing — a company owned in part by Greensboro attorney Charles “Chip” Hagan III, Sen. Hagan’s husband — received a $250,644 stimulus grant that was used for the solar project Green State Power installed at a 300,000-square-foot facility in Reidsville, N.C. that JDC owns. Chip Hagan, son Tilden, and son-in-law Will Stewart are listed on a 2013 annual report as managers of Green State Power.

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