Also: GOP visits Port City for 2011 State Convention. USA DOT COM is there!
NEWSMAX / Saturday, 04 Jun 2011 05:09 PM
Dean says his fellow Democrats should beware of inside-the-Beltway conventional wisdom that Obama would crush Palin in a general-election contest next year, The Hill reported Saturday.

Dean says the horrible economy seriously hurt Obama. He told The Hill it could have more of a political impact than many Washington strategists and pundits assume.
“Any time you have a contest — particularly when unemployment is as high as it is — nobody gets a walkover,” Dean said. “Whoever the Republicans nominate, including people like Sarah Palin, whom the inside-the-Beltway crowd dismisses — my view is if you get the nomination of a major party, you can win the presidency, I don’t care what people write about you inside the Beltway,” Dean said.Dean warned it is dangerous for Democrats to dismiss Palin.
“Anybody who gets the nomination could win the presidency,” he said. “Do I think she’s going to get the nomination? No. But that process is so difficult and really tests candidates in ways that no other process can."
NCGOP yields bumper crop of key interviews! Watch for them.
Over 1,650 North Carolina Republican faithful turned in in the Port City this past week-end for the first State GOP convention here in over twenty years.
We took our USA DOT COM microphones into the hallways of the Wilmington Convention Center, and onto the convention floor to talk one-on-one with as many GOP leaders as we could muster.
Here is a partial list of the Republican leaders who shared their opinions with us:
Ilario Pantano
Dale R. Folwell
Dr. Philip Stephens
Pat McCrory
Cameron Spencer
Jim Bergman
Mr. and Ms. Joe Agadino
Bert Marske
Bob Cooley
Franklin Rouse, Jr.
Ballard Everett Raleigh (?)
Wayne King
George Bell
Wallace Vanhoy
Tony Gurley
Frank Williams
Jb Pope
Allen West
Robin Hayes
Chris Blankenship
Brian Berger
Tommy Cotses
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